Tag: Virginia Bergin

WisCon 42 and the Tiptree Award

WisCon 42 has come and gone without my writing about it, but it was a lovely time. After spending a year on the Tiptree jury I intentionally kept my schedule for this con programming-light. I ran a fiction workshop again, something I always enjoy, and did two panels talking about the process of judging the Tiptree and the works we selected for various honors. I got to reconnect with several friends, including Nueva Madre translator and current Tiptree Award juror Arrate Hidalgo, and longtime con buddy Brit Mandelo whom I hadn’t seen in several years. Much missed though were many friends and WisCon regulars who were unable to attend this year. At the end of the weekend I played a role in the award ceremony for Virginia Bergin, pictured above with her commissioned art piece and flanked by myself and 2017 jury chair Alexis Lothian. Virginia is a delight, and getting to know her was a highlight of my con. I hope I get to see her in Madison again in the future. Her winning book comes out in the United States in November from Sourcebooks under the title The XY.

Tiptree Award Announcement: Virginia Bergin Wins!

It can finally be revealed: after a year of intense reading and copious discussion, the jury has selected Who Runs the World?  by Virginia Bergin as the winner of the 2017 James Tiptree, Jr. Literary Award. In addition to the winner, we selected 7 items for placement on the Honor List, and 26 items for the Long List. Please give them all a look: official announcement of the 2017 Tiptree Award, Honor List, and Long List.

I’m sure I’ll have more to say about many of these works in the future (and how nice it will be to be able to talk publicly about my reading once again!), but for now I have to run off and catch my plane to Orlando for ICFA. But click through to the announcement to read what we found remarkable about so many of these works. And huge congratulations to Virginia Bergin!